22 мар 2019
Chicago | ‘It Was a Murder But Not a Crime’ (HD) - Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones | MIRAMAX
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Олег►▲▲ Завгородний
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This December I turned 32 🙊 and if you asked me how I feel about it..? Well, for me it's not about the digits on my ID.. It's the way I feel and look! I really enjoy my quality of life due to a healthy and beautiful body - this is the best present I could ever give to myself. But it wasn't always like this, I used to suffer a lot of aches, pains and injuries from the conventional training methods we all see and do in the gym, even though my physique looked good; good on the outside, not on the inside. It took me a while, working with many trainers and coaches, to find the right balance between lifting heavy and performing exercises designed for functional performance (these exercises apply for both MEN and women!). Now, I feel so amazing that I can say it was all worth the wait. If you would like to know more, click on my bio link. 🎥 by
☆ Леонид ☆ Шестаков ☆
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Святослав Баклагов
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Длительность: 1:03:02